Free desk booking currently



Posted on March 22 2022, By: Francesca Griffiths


The Build

Shortly the new Defence co-working space, The Innovation Centre, will open its doors to industry; A place to collaborate, ideate, co-create and learn by doing alongside Defence. Network cables are being chased through walls, carpet and flooring being laid and finishing touches being made. Don't take our word for it, check out the gallery below taken this morning, better yet see the events section and visit in person. ​

The Innovation Centre​

Day: £30 per desk/personPer calendar month: £400 dedicated desk spaceTerms and conditions, exact prices, floor plan and operating model will be released shortly. Already convinced – contact Jo Rufus and secure your desk space at the BattleLab Innovation Centre

Why BattleLab

“ To make engagement easier ” The earlier the problem can engage with the solution and end user, the faster each will benefit by building the right thing, the right way. To make this a reality we seek to enable exciting, creative collisions and connections, how we  achieve this we hope to share soon - then iteratively improve for mutual benefit.

In October of 2021 Army Futures posted a Request For Information  on the Gov.UK contracts finder website


23 FEB - Deployable Technical Infrastructure - Engagement Day

The Stakeholder Engagement Day will allow the Deployable Technical Infrastructure (DTI) Programme Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) and his team to bring you up to date with the programmes progress so far but also the plan moving forward.  They see this as an opportunity to generate DTI Programme cross cutting stakeholder discussions. 


DTI picture.jpg


The DTI programme aims to provide a paradigm changing improvement to the DTI currently available to the Armed Forces. It will utilise the latest available technologies with the exploitation of data being a fundamental thread to the overall programme. DTI, whilst based upon an ISO container footprint, will deliver varied capabilities to the Air, Sea and Land environments that are scalable and modular.  There are 17 capabilities which will provide 9 broader functions as outlined below along with the anticipated requirement quantity of each.

25 FEB & 04 MAR - BattleLab Open Days

The Defence BattleLab welcomes collaborators and creators considering joining the new ecosystem when it opens in early 2022. A chance to network with like minded individuals and companies. You will hear from government stakeholders and innovation partners about the aspiration of BattleLab, why Dorset and the Business Support that is available.